PinnedIs small business failure due to lack of money or a lack of ambition?I enjoy working with small business owners and self- employed individuals who run their own show. Some have registered small businesses…Sep 111Sep 111
Pinned“Unlock the Power of Communication and Explore four (4) Unique Communication Styles,”.“Communication is a leader’s greatest skill.” Richard Branson.Sep 5Sep 5
PinnedWomen want to be respected tooMen want to be respected. That is what you hear everyone say. Men wish to be loved and care for, and treated like babies.Apr 16, 20212Apr 16, 20212
10 Characteristics every Small & Medium Size Business Owners should have …Running a business is not easy, and one of the worst things you can ever do to yourself is go into business with only the business idea…Sep 25Sep 25
Published inNever Stop WritingFinding my writing feet….One thing I am trying to do this year is find my writing feet. Finding a niche to write in can only be achieved if you write consistently…Sep 23Sep 23
Published inILLUMINATIONThe Love Of Material Things…What has caused this insatiable urge for material things among teenagers and young adults? We have a generation of young people who can do…Sep 23Sep 23
Writing releases the soulI have always enjoyed writing. Putting my thoughts down on paper, and Journaling has always been a great stress reliever. Sep 18Sep 18
Published inNever Stop WritingMaking everyone rich except yourself …Photo by Mike Petrucci on UnsplashSep 6Sep 6