Decision making is easy when you’re young

Charity Katotobwe
3 min readMay 27, 2021

You’re still inexperienced. You do not know much, and your mind is not cluttered.

Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

We make decisions every single day, small and big decisions.

Most people think making decisions is like a walk in the park, and it is not — this what I discovered as I got older.

When younger, you think everything is easy. Many factors cause young people to think it’s easy, and I was one of those people.

When, I was in my younger, in my early twenties, single with no children. I could make decisions on the go, including some Important choices too. I didn’t require a lot of time before I could arrive at a decision.I could decide promptly and stick to it. Even if it didn’t go as planned, I didn’t feel too bad as I took the lessons and quickly moved on.

The only people I considered before was myself. My family, yes. But everyone’s busy with their own thing, right.Therefore, My decisions were based on me myself and I.It made everything so easy. But as I got older, married and had children, all of a sudden, my reality changed. I now had to think through every tiny decision. Do I go to work and leave the baby with the maid. If I do, How long is that gonna be. 8 hours away from my children and then what to cook and eat also became a big deal. It required a choice to be made.

My freestyle prompt decision making process seemed to be a thing of the past. This is because I realized how my decisions now affect other people.

They affect everyone around me. That’s big, hey. That’s already enough to slow anyone down when about to make a decision.

I now think carefully through everything before I decide what to do. I’m still the confident me, except this time I have to consider many factors.

Here’s a list I usually go through, as excruciating as it may be at times.

1. What is the implication on the family. Is it a decision that will better us as a family

2. What do the children think? Are they ok with it or think otherwise

3.What do I think? Is it gonna help me advance, gain knowledge and new skills, or its make me miserable

4. What is the financial implication

5. Are moving toward retirement, or it’s sending us in a completely new direction. Different from our goals and plans.

6.How is the decision going to affect our lifestyle? Are we still going to be able to travel, go to different places? well corona virus has changed this for us

As you get older decisions are not made with half the information. You

have to check the facts and analyse the information, the last thing you want to do is make a wrong move that puts everyone in jeopardy.

The same rigorous process happens on the work front; decisions you make at work affect others either drastically or positively. Sometimes you require more thoughtfulness and sometimes consultation.

When you are responsible for your employees, you have to take caution because every decision you make affects not just your employees but their families too. Please don’t get me wrong, I still decide promptly and on the goal on some things. However, there are situations where you shouldn’t rush in choosing. Let the situation unfold a little bit more.

Sometimes, not doing anything about a situation is also a decision.

Some things have a way of resolving themselves.

However, there are situations where you just have to decide. Whether you like it not. If that is the case, evaluate the facts and take a stand.

I have worked with Managers who are afraid of making decisions for fear of making mistakes. That cripples everyone around and is frustrating.

Decisions still need to made. Some come with more risk than others. However, even the difficult things have to be done.

I regularly advise people to always make a decision. Know where you stand on issues or things. Your opinion, views and conclusions you make are what will guide you through life. In most cases, it’s better to make a decision than make none.

The best we can all do is base our decisions on facts, information, objectivity and just believe it is the best decision that could have been made.



Charity Katotobwe

Chartered Accountant, MBA in South Africa. Executive Director of Food & Nutrition Foundation, Business & Management Consultant.