Lessons I have learned over the years…

Charity Katotobwe
4 min readJun 9, 2023
Photo by Abhishek Babaria on Unsplash

People will use you and hang you out to dry.

There are people who have no consciousness and can do anything for money.

Any person who puts money first and other things later cannot be trusted.

The people you help and employ will have more consumer goods and items than you. That is simply because your focus is long term goals and not on consumption.

The irony of life is that Some of your employees will drive better cars than you , dress better than you and. yet depend on you to continue providing employment

An enemy is an enemy, there’s nothing you can do about it.

Being self employed is hard and yet no one tells you how difficult it can be

There are people who will try and help you spend all your money through different prepositions and requests. Always be smart with your money and identify peoples true intentions from a mile away.

Do not be deceived by smiles and flattery..very few people are loyal to you. Majority are secretly competing with you and hoping you fail at what you are doing

Some folk will wish you bad and still come and ask you for help.

Forgive people who annoy, upset you and cross your boundaries but always remember who they are and do not be carried away .

A person secretly competing with you i is s an enemy and cannot be trusted.

Trust yourself more and the decisions you make. You are the one who knows you and your hearts core desires and values .

Know yourself, your strengths and capabilities and weaknesses.

Do a personal SWOT Analysis as you navigate life

Know where your interests lie and what brings you wholeness and contentment

Know what triggers you in different situations

Do not entertain fools and do not argue or try and reason with a fool. It’s a sheer waste of time .

Most people are communicating who they are pay attention .

Trust and respect are earned and not forced on people .

Avoid work places and people who want to be feared and treated like some small God. They are usually toxic and full of poison. They indirectly introduce fear into your life .

Avoid anyone who doesn’t want to see you make progress in life .

Please yourself , pursue your dreams and do things that make you happy.

Trying to please people hurts you and creates problems for you in the future.

Be careful who you listen to and give time to.not everyone wishes you well or builds. Majority want to create doubt and make you doubt yourself and your abilities.

Don’t entertain naysayers and lemony characters. There is a reason why they are always angry.

Anyone who refers to your tribe colour or race has deep seated insecurities and cannot be trusted.

Remove yourself from other peoples personal business. It has nothing to do with you.

Watch people’s habits and lifestyle they tell you a lot about a person’s character.

Do not respond to everything thrown at you. Ignore some things and let them pass.

Do not be dazzled by what anyone does good or bad . Every one is different and experience their emotions differently.

People like to recruit others in areas where they are disgruntled and unhappy . If they are unhappy with their spouse they want you to express the same sentiments . Hell No.

Do not allow anyone to drag you down or move you backwards .

Always know where you are going and the direction your life is taking .

Do not put your life career in the other peoples hands. You are the captain of your ship.

Trust comes with a limit. You can only trust people so much thereafter give them a benefit of doubt.

They say loyalty has an expiry date. Yes it does especially nowadays.

What people show you on the outside is not who they really are .

Life is beautiful and can be enjoyed .

When you are perceived to have money or considered wealthy you will be greatly disliked this is because your wealth reminds people about how lazy they have been or the poor decisions they have made over the years.

People do not understand there level of poverty until they meet a rich person.

No matter how long it takes , hard work always pays off.

Anyone who criticises you and brings you down at every opportunity they get is an enemy. Most likely feel insecure and intimidated by you.

There are very few people who understand the true meaning of friendship .

Jealous is real and people feel jealous about others .

You win many battles when you start your day with a prayer.

Keep improving yourself and your skills. Learning is life long.

Do not believe everything you hear and see on social media. We are living in a world where deception is the new normal.

People will disappoint you at some point. It doesn’t matter who, however be ready to quickly move on . There is a life out there with many choices and options.

When you fall , you get back up and start again.

I have learned many different things in life and this is just a taster.

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Charity Katotobwe

Chartered Accountant, MBA holder.live in South Africa. Executive Director of Food & Nutrition Foundation, Business & Management Consultant.