Looking for someone to help me develop and sell digital products

Charity Katotobwe
3 min readJun 15, 2023
Photo by Desola Lanre-Ologun on Unsplash

I have acquired much knowledge over the years and a body of work in different things, including illustrations and artwork, which I would like to share with the world and earn an income.

Goals and objectives

My main goal is to share my knowledge and experiences with others, particularly online. My identity and the legacy I leave behind are important to me, and the digital world allows me to ensure that my work continues to exist even after I am gone.

I want to leave behind a collection of my thoughts, stories, academic and expert knowledge, and life journey from childhood to adulthood. It would be an honour to create a reference point for my loved ones and anyone who reads my work, providing insight and guidance as they navigate life.

Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash

My second objective is to establish multiple sources of income. Creating digital products is the next step towards achieving this goal, as it aligns with the current trend of the world. It is also an awesome feeling knowing that even when asleep at night your products are selling online.

Photo by Myriam Jessier on Unsplash

What I need

Require assistance in turning my ideas into reality. Specifically, I seek someone to help me sift through the details and create an implementation strategy or action plan.

As we all know, time is a precious commodity, and we never know how much we have left.

Therefore, I am eager to tap into my creative side and bring my ideas to fruition.

Work Portfolio

I am passionate about writing and have self-published a poetry book titled Lemon & Pepper.

I am interested in expanding my reach and am considering selling it on Amazon.

In addition, I have a large collection of photos from my work with a nonprofit organization. They could be transformed into a colouring book to fund the foundation. Some of the pictures could also be sold as stock photos.

My experience working with community-based nonprofit organizations has given me extensive knowledge that I want to share by writing a user manual on how to start such an organization and a book on the dynamics of working in a high-density, low-income community.

I am also considering writing a book about poverty, its causes, solutions, and templates and materials on financial management and Reporting.

In addition, monetizing my social media pages by improving their SEO and building a following on platforms like Medium would be interesting.

I further have experience in SMEs, financial management, and business management. I would love to share my knowledge on these subjects as well. Create an online course.

Finally, I want to share my personal experiences of being an independent woman, motherhood, and working full-time.

Write a book on what it means to be a middle-aged African woman in the twenty-first century.

Write and illustrate a children’s book.

Photo by Studio Media on Unsplash

It’s a lot, right? Well, broken into smaller goals and targets would make it easier to achieve, and that is why I am seeking an intelligent individual with strong digital skills and a proven track record. Ideally, this person would have experience with the processes I am describing and be able to provide guidance and implement them without charging an arm and a leg.

If this sounds like something you would be interested in doing, you can contact me at charity@foodnutritionfoundation.com or ckatotobwe@yahoo.co.uk.

If you appreciate my work at the foundation, please leave a tip to show your support or subscribe to the foundation’s fundraising page





Charity Katotobwe

Chartered Accountant, MBA holder.live in South Africa. Executive Director of Food & Nutrition Foundation, Business & Management Consultant.