Ten ways to help a Nonprofit Organisation

Charity Katotobwe
3 min readSep 2, 2021
Source: Food Nutrition Foundation

In some parts of the world, see many people hesitant to get involved with Nonprofits. Some are not used to the concept of charitable organizations because most things were done by the community themselves using their own resources and creativity to help when a situation arose.

I remember my former boss telling me that her mother died when she was still an infant and needed to be breast fed and a woman who also had a young baby offered to breast feed her and to take care of her.

In Africa, you get to hear so many of these stories especially in the smaller towns and rural areas.

Fast forward to now and with urbanization that essence is almost completely lost. It is now each one for himself and God for us all. I guess what I’m trying to say is , times have changed and living in the city brings its own challenges.Everyone is on the go .Working and trying to hustle to make a buck to feed their family and no one has the time to constantly help the needy.

Therefore, from my many years of work experience in the non- profit sector , If communities came together in this case, I mean shanty townships in urban areas to find and create solutions that address their problems and challenges. This would be more impactful and solutions go specifically into solving challenges.

However, this is not the point of this article. This article is about more people getting involved in the betterment of their own or surrounding townships. You can make a difference even from far away or from a distance and here’s my ten ways of helping.

10 ways to help

1. Donate money

Cash is King. Yes, It is. The nonprofit needs cash resources to continue operating. However, there are many other ways to get involved.The reason people donate money is because they are busy at work and may not have time to physically come out and help. That makes a lot of sense to me. The cash donations do help and the go a long way in helping meet the needs of the nonprofit.

2. Volunteer your time and skills

There is a constant need for volunteers who can assist get things done.You can use your talent and creativeness to raise awareness about the nonprofit, come out and help out in running the programs and administrative functions.

3. Raise Funds

You can raise funds for the organisation through your friends and network.

I have seen people choose to raise funds on their birthday instead of receiving cards and gifts. Your friends make a donation. Host a fundraising dinner or party

4. Make stuff and donate

Make teddy bears, wooden boards, cupcakes and donate. Anything you bring to the table is helpful

5. Donate old stuff and used items

Old clothes, shoes, bags, beds, plates, cups, books , rugs etc comes in handy. Just ask for their list of needs so that you donate what they need and can use. There is always someone who can use what you chuck out –so why not donate it to charity.

6. Offer transport

If you have a vehicle, offer your car to go grocery shopping for the nonprofit or to pick up donations on their behalf, offer to drive the elderly to the hospital and back

7. Be there Brand ambassador

Represent the organisation and do the PR and Communication

Introduce them to other stakeholders and assist them network

8. Follow the nonprofit on social media

Follow and share their content. This increases exposure to gain new donors. Make them trend when they share their work or do something inspirational

9. Start a Gofund me page

The money raised on fundraising platforms helps the nonprofit achieve their objectives and goals.

10. Manage their Digital Presence for Free

It’s very expensive to hire a graphic designer or web developer. Therefore, finding a company that can offer to manage the Nonprofits digital presence is a big relief as it helps the nonprofit focus on its core functions.

I’m sure there are many ways of helping and getting involved. Don’t hold back people someone needs your skills and your help. Do help make a make difference.

To look and see what we do at the Foundation. visit https://foodnutritionfoundation.com



Charity Katotobwe

Chartered Accountant, MBA holder.live in South Africa. Executive Director of Food & Nutrition Foundation, Business & Management Consultant.