The more I go away, the more I want to come back

Charity Katotobwe
3 min readJul 6, 2022


Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Writing is one of my many passions. No matter where I go and what I do, I always return to writing.

It is my happy place. The joy it gives me is like someone eating chocolate at the end of a long day of hustle and bustle. Then you get home, take a nice long bath with scented candles and bubble bath, and you get out of the bath, put on a gown lay on the bed reading an interesting book full of baby daddy drama as you munch on a slab of decadent chocolate. Feels like heaven, right?!! Well, so is writing. It gives me the same joy and glee and makes me forget how taxing the day was. I digress.

A few months ago, I stopped subscribing to Medium because I felt I wasn’t utilizing it enough and decided to take time off to figure out things. Life goes pretty quickly nowadays, and before you know it — You have stopped doing the things that bring you peace, joy and happiness. You forget about yourself and get overtaken by demands and things you have to get down and out of the way. However, I have let off some steam today and decided to pour my thoughts on paper.

Photo by Daniel Thomas on Unsplash

As I sat down to write, I remembered I wasn’t a paid member anymore and wasn’t sure if I could still post on Medium. With a bit of searching on Google, I found it’s possible to do so. You can also read 3 articles every month. It’s rather awesome though limiting. But at least it’s something more than nothing. However, getting the full benefits means being a paid-up member. Also, the subscription fee goes into paying writers on Medium, which is awesome if you ask me. It’s a great way to earn an income or have a side hustle that brings in a bit of income. I would like to believe the more you write, the more you sharpen your skills, thus making it a great platform.

I have told myself today that no matter how busy it gets, I will “write” every day and do it religiously, like how we drink water and eat food. We eat every day. I know I do. It’s like clockwork. Same routine every day feeding the body; that’s a story for another day.

Well, the sabbatical I took from writing and Medium has taught me that it’s good to go on a break to rest and reflect; however, don’t take too long. Take short breaks and go back to doing what you enjoy the most. The more you stay away, the less likely you are to return to it, or if you do, you will find the world has moved on. A close friend once told me she trained as a draughtsman, and when she took a career break to raise her three children and returned, she found everything had been automated and computerized and needed to go through intensive training again. She opted for a different career, which worked out for her. Few people manage to hop onto something else or change careers when the options are few. My point is whatever we do, let’s find time for the things we enjoy and things that propel us forward and add value to our lives. After all, you only live once; if you get it right, it’s enough.

Long story short, I’m back and looking forward to utilizing the platform to the fullest.



Charity Katotobwe

Chartered Accountant, MBA in South Africa. Executive Director of Food & Nutrition Foundation, Business & Management Consultant.